"Awakening the Ashes" reviewed in H-Diplo!

In the June 2024 issue of H-Diplo, Ronald Angelo Johnson reviews Awakening the Ashes:

“The author of Awakening the Ashes understood that the journey upon which the book attempts to take its readers would be intellectually taxing. She admits, “Asking nonspecialists who may be newly interested in the history of Haiti to consult nineteenth-century Haitian-produced sources is an inconvenient argument” (p. 27). Yet, that is exactly what Haitian literary scholar Marlene L. Daut asks of her readers in this sweeping, incisive volume on early Haitian literature.

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"Awakening the Ashes" reviewed by NACLA Report

“Envision your cities shrouded in mourning… envision the care you took upon yourself, night and day, to revive your companions, envision your children, your soldiers, the peaceful inhabitants of the countryside crippled by the French,” wrote Louis- Felix Boisrond-Tonnerre, an early 19th-century Haitian thinker and former secretary to Jean-Jacques Dessalines, as he urged Haitians’ to remember their shared experience of the 1791–1804 Haitian Revolution.

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Awakening the Ashes Reviewed in June 2024 issue of Choice magazine

“…as this artful book shows so well, Haitians have a vigorous intellectual tradition with prolific authors who, decade after decade, inform their fellow citizens and the Francophone world about the true nature of slavery; the forces leading to their country's revolution; and how Haiti was, is, and should be governed."

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